Bengal breeder Judee Frank crossbred a male Serval, belonging to Suzi Woods, with a Siamese (domestic cat) to produce the first Savannah cat (named Savannah) on April 7, 1986. It is a cross between the serval and a domestic cat. The Savannah is a hybrid domestic cat breed. Your improvements can make The Cat Wiki a much better place. Attention is requested to create new articles from links to relevant topics and remove those links which lead to pages unlikely to be covered by the wiki. James (Mickey) Rountree, Jr.This article has excess Redlinks.
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While both traffic control devices and traffic calming measures may have common purposes (slowing traffic, channelizing traffic, etc.), they are different: reducing cut-through motor vehicle traffic.increasing access for all modes of transportation, and.encouraging water infiltration into the ground,.enhancing the street environment (e.g., streetscaping),.reducing the need for police enforcement,.increasing the safety and the perception of safety for non-motorized users of the street(s),.reducing collision frequency and severity,.achieving slow speeds for motor vehicles,.to make streets safer particularly for pedestrians and cyclists and.

Traffic Calming involves physical alterations to road geometry to reduce vehicle speeds and/or decrease cut-through traffic volume, as a means to improve safety for all users. The purpose of this Traffic Calming Policy is to both support that objective and address other quality of life concerns as they relate to vehicular traffic in neighborhoods. The primary objective of the Traffic Engineering (TE) Department is to move vehicles in a safe and efficient manner. Although neighborhood traffic concerns generally relate to excessive speed, pedestrian and bicycle safety, cut-through traffic, crashes, and general quality of life issues, this program recognizes the uniqueness of neighborhoods and that the critical issues and concerns vary from case to case. The purpose of the Neighborhood Traffic Calming Program (NTCP) is to reduce crashes, traffic volumes and/or speeds thereby improving pedestrian safety and creating more pleasant neighborhoods for the citizens of Savannah. Traffic Calming Needs Assessment Requests.
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The goal of the Traffic Calming Policy is to maintain or improve safety and resident quality of life and livability by reducing the impact of vehicular traffic on residential neighborhood streets by modifying driver behavior through education, enforcement, and engineered traffic calming solutions. It is the policy of the City of Savannah to reduce the speed and/or volume of traffic through the modification of driver behavior in our neighborhoods.
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