Water creatures will view and be viewed in hostility, what means a –4 reaction modifier (doubled if also alignment opposite). Most Rock-based creatures despise water(Mudmen are the only exception). Stone cuttings and creations, gems and rare ores are always appreciated to get, or to create. Although the changing of ores into metals goes too far according to them. They love the earth and things of creation. They also become slow, powerful, constructive, and mostly good and even Lawful due to this process. Their material bodies resist time in such a way that they often become very old, or at least very resistant to erosion. Neither of these creatures will be really fast or hasty, some like the stone giant and Geonids can be hasty but rarely do so.

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It may even be that these creatures actually were created much longer ago, maybe even before any other intelligent life, but took so long to hatch or become free from the rock they have been created from. Somehow gems seem to be Important to the lives of these creatures, as are the gem grounds where diamonds, rubies and other gems are created by different chemicals under the immense pressure of the rocks above and after immense long time periods. This damage will be as a Cause Wounds spell of similar level or lower. Rock altering spells will inflict damage to these creatures. They are free-willed, creatures of viable races, with many special abilities, powers, societies and cultures. But these creations not even resemble the rock-based creatures in any way other than their appearance. Some people say that the several constructs, like gargoyles, Statues, Golems are mere reflections of mortal mages trying to create what was created better prior to their existence. The Rockmen where first (around 550.000 BC), followed by the Geonids (around 350.000 BC), then the Stone Giants (around 225.000 BC) and as last the Ghaleb Duhr (in the last ice age 80.000-60.000 BC). Whatever the cause, these creatures came into existence thousands of years before the legendary rain of fire. Sages speculate that they’ve been created by several Earth/Matter based Immortals, or those trying to become Immortal, others debate if these creatures are adapted forms of existing creatures, who living underground for millennia must have become stone themselves, or are creatures created by the magical energy of the planet itself. Nobody knows where these creatures came from. Rock Races (or Silicium based life-forms) Material about False Giants and Half Giants Atlas Rules Resources Adventures Stories FAQ Search Links